Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on 26 June 2023


Programme of Meetings for 2024/25


Contact for further information – Diane Brooks – Principal Member Services Officer – Tel No 01772 866720


Executive Summary


A programme of meetings for the Combined Fire Authority (CFA) for 2024/25.




The Authority is asked to agree the programme of meetings for 2024/25 as set out in the report now presented.




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At the meeting of the Combined Fire Authority held 27 June 2022, the CFA agreed a programme of Meetings for 2023/24.  It is now necessary to agree a programme of dates for 2024/25.


In considering suitable dates, the following points have been taken into consideration: -


    i.     A preference previously expressed that meetings of the CFA be held on Mondays commencing at 1000 hours at the Training Centre, Euxton.


   ii.     Standing Order No 2.2 of the CFA which states that the Authority must hold an Annual Meeting between 1st April and the 30th June each year.


  iii.     Standing Order 2.3a of the CFA, which states that a programme of meetings for the Authority should be determined annually by the Authority and additional meetings of the Authority held as determined by the Authority or at the discretion of the Chairman.


 iv.     Approval to undertake consultation on the budget was delegated to the Chairman in consultation with the Treasurer and Chief Fire Officer (resolution 10/18 refers) enabling one budget meeting to be held in February, at which Members will consider and agree a final budget and the resultant council tax implications.


For information, the following dates have previously been agreed for 2023/24: -


24 April 2023

26 June 2023 (Annual Meeting of the CFA)

18 September 2023

18 December 2023


19 February 2024 (Budget Meeting)


Proposed dates for 2024/25 are: -


22 April 2024

24 June 2024 (Annual Meeting of the CFA)

16 September 2024

16 December 2024


24 February 2025 (Budget Meeting)

Business Risk




Environmental Impact



Equality and Diversity Implications




HR Implications




Financial Implications




Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers

Paper:            CFA Constitutional Standing Orders

Date:               22 February 2021

Contact:         Diane Brooks, Principal Member Services Officer


Paper:            CFA Minutes

Date:               27 June 2022

Contact:         Diane Brooks, Principal Member Services Officer


Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A